"All the World's a Puzzle 12th form"
New 2014 version of "All the World's a PUZZLE".
The 12th form textbook was updated in 2014 to conform to the new national exam regulations.
Additional interactive exercises and materials for teachers: teachpuzzle12.pbworks.com
Get your password from: meeri.sild@lillekyla.edu.ee
"All the World's a Puzzle 11th form"
"All the World's a Puzzle 10th form"
English as a Foreign Language Course for the B1+ level (8th/9th form)
by Riina Kuuskor and Merike Saar
The Course consists of two workbooks and does not require an additional textbook.
It also comes with a teacher's key and listening materials.
Take a look at a sample page from the second workbook
Set of workbooks (2) 15.00€
Workbooks temporarily sold out, we will reprint according to orders